Breaking The Silence: The Struggle of Long-Term Job Searching and Imposter Syndrome

3 min readDec 4, 2023

I’m going to spend the rest of the year blowing the dust off this account 😊

I wanted to write about my ✨ journey ✨ and maybe feed into the reflective and nostalgic feelings December tends to bring about.

There’s a temptation to shy away from the word struggle, simply because I know there’s so much going on in the world around me. Yet, I don’t want this to be a rose-colored post.

Job searching — albeit long-term job searching is a struggle! Keeping at your goals, dreams, and desires takes so much resilience. Sometimes, the bad news, rejections, almost moments stick in your mind the longest, and the memories your brain seems to index first for whatever reason right before you go to sleep.

It’s so hard sometimes not feeding into imposter syndrome when opportunities still pass you up while other aspects of your life continue calling attention to their needs.

Many job searchers (no matter the length, times, or why you’re searching) forget to share the non-job related moments — the glimmers, accomplishments, or even how much money you’ve saved on your car insurance.

So many times, I’ve felt myself remain in a shell, feeling shame and not valuing the good moments I’ve experienced because I haven’t started working full-time. Shying away from attending events, catching up with people you know to avoid that dreadful job search conversation, or not wanting to appear like you’re not working hard enough to finally get that job.

If anything, the current instability of the industry should convince us that that rhetoric is untrue! It’s so easy to tie your worth to a job when you don’t have one and when you do. Yet, we are still the same person with or without a job — your hobbies, interests, and family/friendships will remain unchanged. Your pet doesn’t even know what you do for work, yet they love you regardless.

It’s easier said than done, but sometimes we need a push — so I’ll lead by example; let’s break the silence and start embracing all aspects of our journey. Everything is temporary in this world, with good and bad moments. And despite it all, we deserve to enjoy our passions — life.

The ways I’ve made an impact in my life during this job search journey

  • In 2022, I learned how to bake bread and other goods and spent the entire year cooking new recipes and experimenting with old ones, and even subjected my Instagram followers and YouTube subs to cooking videos (I saved money by only eating out a handful of times).
  • I started posting on YouTube again in the fall of 2022 and raised my channel views by 24,000+ and had an increase of 678% in impressions from the year prior. I set a goal this year to post at least one video or short a month (On my final month! Woohoo 🥳).
  • In 2022, I started gaining the missing cross-functional and real-world experience through Tech Fleet and worked with SafePlace International — I met many other like-minded resilient individuals working hard to grow their skills.
  • And before that, I was selected to be a part of the GSD cohort — which gave me even more prep and tips for the tech industry post-grad school.
  • I practiced user experience on myself as I revamped my resume and portfolio.
  • I got out of my comfort zone by attending IRL networking events as well as way too many online webinars. (Continuing to step outside of that box with this post).
  • I let myself ask for help when needed and not feel bad about it.
  • In October, I got a library card after wanting a new one since 2021!
  • I saw some of my favorite artists and bands in concert in 2022 and 2023.
  • Learned to let myself relax! (okay, I’m still working on this)
  • Got hired on the spot for jobs outside my desired field that kept me afloat.
  • I’ve kept up my annual film challenge goals.
  • I explored new places alone, made new friends, and reconnected with existing friends ♥️
  • Most importantly, I’ve learned to embrace change, rejection, redirection, and the closing of chapters.

What impacts have you made so far in your journey? I’d love to know 🤗👇🏾

